Monday, March 17, 2008

St George race Sat 15/3/08 and States Preview.

At last everything worked and remained intact. A very nice day, wind, temperature and no repairs. The boat was flying easily and with full control. No bunny hops, no crashes, no swims. Smile.

Not fast enough yet especially downwind so I ended up behind Dave and Grant with Clive nearby after going back to round a mark the right way. They seem to get up a bit quicker and also ride at a more consistant height. But I think I can improve that.

My boat seems to have the max height control functioning, the wand is pulling up the flap when needed and in fact the ride over small chop feels decidedly bumpy as the wand moves the flap up and down with ease. So the top skin hinge and the linkage are working and friction is under control.

But I still have some issues when down low. I think my flap is not going down far enough or easilly enough to provide the extra lift needed at take off and when the hull gets slightly too low. I do not think its in the linkage, but rather that my gap sealing carbon flap is too stiff and is resisting the flap down movement. Its due for a trim tonight.

Then I have to do a thorough check of the whole boat before we are off to Jervis bay on Thursday for the three day NSW championships. 8 races. My body will need some recuperation after that, its too late for remedial maintence on me.

WRT the Moth champs we have 17 entries so far with about another 10 expected when we get there. All foiling except for 5 scows, including inerstate visitors. The weather looks like cooling off a bit but will be over 20 C so nothing to worry about. Winds look line starting out moderate and dying off, followed by a sea breeze. Typical easter on our coats as is the forecast rain on at least one day.

Should be a good weekend sailing in paradise. Looking at the expected turn up I seed myself between 10th and 15th, my normal top half target, I'll verify or have excuses next week.

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